vineri, 15 iulie 2011


A trecut atat de mult timp incat am uitat. Am pierdut notiunea timpului si acum nu mai stim ce vrem. Ce am vrut. Dar poate… poate ca ce voiam, avem déjà. In gramada de fotografii rupte, distruse, de ani sau de mainile mele, se zaresc chipuri fericite, fara culori ciudate pe ele : in vremurile acelea nimeni nu juca teatru, nu mergea in fiecare zi la un bal mascat.

Ne-am schimbat din niste copii silitori in fiare salbatice. Am mintit pentru putere, am incurcat itele destinului pentru a-l face sa ne surada, am trisat fara ca nimeni sa-si dea seama si ne-am injunghiat prietenii pe la spate. Am ajuns in climaxul vietii noastre, in apogeul pe care trebuia sa-l atingem oricum, prea devreme. Si totul pentru a cobori lent, dureros, luandu-ni-se totul, incetul cu incetul. Si cine ar putea sa ne usuce lacrimile pe care le-am scurs? Prietenii pe care i-am tradat? Cei care au crezut in noi si pe care i-am abandonat? Sa privim spre locul pe care il ocupam… Este de-a dreptul un piedestal pe care lumina ne cuprinde si ne invaluie sau un pod de piatra, vechi, pe cale de a se darama? Ne vom intalni din nou, la celalalt capat. Ne vom cere iertare si vom trece mai departe. Vom lasa totul in urma.

Dar atunci cand lumea ta se tremura si se zbuciuma si degetele incep a ti se scutura de frica, ma vei lua de mana? Ne vom ascunde impreuna in coltul cel sigur? Sau vei alerga departe, cu viteza batailor inimii tale? Nu pot sa ma intorc, sa privesc spre ce a fost, pentru ca stiu ca totul se schimba. Tu ma ridici in aer pentru a ma tranti la pamant. Si, poate mai mult decat iti doreai, ai reusit. Sange se prelinge pe asfaltul fierbinte, dar curand se va evapora. Va ramane doar "o pata uscata de timp". Dar, in final, nu suntem cu totii asa ceva? Pete uscate de vreme si uitate de lume?

Ei bine, nu. Suntem mai degraba praf stelar in supa organica primordiala.

joi, 14 iulie 2011


We were gonna drive across the country, live in Spain or Italy... We were gonna climb to top of the Eiffel Tower, stay up all night for the meteor shower...

But we are still young enough... We've still got time. It's not too late to keep this plans we've made...

miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

Broken Lover/Spanking new Hater

I want you so bad, right beside me, whispering into my ear that you want to leave. To never see me again. To forget everything we had, if we even had anything at all. I want to feel the wind brushing my face again, without having you as my everlasting shield. Pouring honey over your body isn't gonna make you sweeter. I took a mouthful of water and swallowed it slow, watching you leave, watching your shade fading away into the night that has fallen seconds ago...

How can you explain something else? Every single word you say, every time I think I'm back in control... why does something get a hold of my soul and I'm begging for more of you? I had enough, at least that's what I think. We wonder about what we want, but after all, what we want, we have already got. Even if we still can't figure it out, it's true. We have us. No matter what this means - a simple word, a cat-and-mouse relationship or simply...

Maybe it's because I'm incomprehensible. Maybe the first step is unbearable. Maybe you don't think that we can leave it all behind just to meet again. To reunite. To intertwine our fates in the night, like we used to long ago, in that cherry-blossom-perfume, that scent that never got out of my nose, reminding me there's someone that cares about me. That remembers me. And what if the cold tickled our ears? My fingers erupted lava, or don't you remember? That's what I like about me... I'm warm even in the coldest moments, when I'm alone, depraved, left, abandoned.

I think I'm fallin' apart. How do I know it's real when you turn me upside down? You're messing with me and I start losing my mind. Is this what you wanted? 'Cause you succeeded!

You'll see...

If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again! After all, you know for whom the bell tolls.

marți, 12 iulie 2011


Just to make your heart ache a little bit more that it used to do. I want it to burn.

luni, 11 iulie 2011

Don't speak. Don't try it again

So I guess Time hurts some and heals others. It was your choice, it is still, but, will you turn back now? After all these things? It seems that you just can't turn back the hands of time.

What's done, it's done and it will be alright.


So it goes, without saying, that I'm hooked on you... And by now, I'm outta my mind with this self-abuse.

But I guess I'm just tempting fate...

duminică, 10 iulie 2011

Une question de revanche

C'est seulement une vengeance. Tu ne devrais pas être... surprise. Mais, la vie c'est comme ça: tu faites la tornade, et moi... tu verras, mon 'précieuse' amour.

LoveGame or pain?

You thought about a game? Well, you may not know it, but I love 'em. I'm so much into games. Especially love ones. But... will you face the challenge? Can you endure everything without... let's say... jealousy?

After all, it's not me the "lover". You are. Or... is it gone already?

edit: Plus, I am going to destroy every little bit of your sweet being. Well, you're not going to be round here for much. You know... it's all about... convenience

Written in the stars or in the sand grains

Cucumber and coconut. Yeah, it's a beach, close to the tropics. It's warm, I can feel the hot waves that whisper to my future. Albeit it seems astonishing, the sand is getting a good hold of me. "He" wants to catch me there, to keep me forever inside that warmth that, for me, it's claustrophobic. How can I get rid of my future and the secrets it possesses? Noo, I do not want to know. Let me live in ignorance, but leave me the secret for me to discover.

And then, with the last of my strengths, I ran to the shallow water, and I jump. And I swim. Far. Further. Where will I arrive? Will I even be alive by then? It does not matter. I escaped my fate.